DELEM DA-53T Operation manual for CNC press brake machine (Passwords), Offline software download
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DELEM DA-53T Operation manual for CNC press brake machine (Passwords), Offline software download

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Operation overview and general introduction

⒈The control unit

The control looks as follows:

DELEM DA-53T manual

The precise appearance of your control may differ.

Operation of the control is mainly done over the touchscreen. A description of the functions and available touch controls is given in the next sections of this manual, aside of the description of the specific functions.

⒉Front control elements

The Start and Stop button, integrated in the touch screen user interface:

DELEM DA-53T manualStop button + Start button

⒊USB connectors

DELEM DA-53T manual

At the right side of the control a USB port is available for connection of external devices, such as a memory stick or an external keyboard or mouse.

⒋Operation and programming modes

The control's main screen looks as follows:

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Depending on the navigation button which is active, the screen will differ. The above main screen will appear having the Products function active.

Just by tapping the various modes, the specific mode will be selected.

The structure of the main screen is as follows:

Title panel

In the top the title panel is always shown. In this area you can find logo information, which product is loaded and (when activated) the service row. Also machine indicators can be found here.


Information panel

In the information panel all functions and visualisation related to the selected modus are displayed and can be found.

DELEM DA-53T manual

Command panel

The command panel is part of the Information panel and is the location where the controls related to the Information panel can be found. 

Navigation panel

The Navigation panel is the area where all the major modes can be found. This area is always visible. The controls, large buttons with icons, can be used to directly switch from one mode to the other.

5DELEM DA-53T manual

Explanation of the main modes / navigation buttons

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⒌Getting started

⑴ Introduction

In order to obtain a bend program for a product, the control offers the possibility to create a program bend by bend and adjust specific parameters for each bend independently.


Before product programming can be started, the following preparations must be made.

⑶Modifying a program

The Program menu gives access to the numerical program and values of the active product. 

Existing programs can be modified via this menu. The independent bendsteps can be selected and the programmed values can be monitored and modified if required.

Axes positions, if applicable, are calculated according to the machine configuration.

⑷The Auto menu and Manual menu, production modes

A product program can be executed via the Auto mode. In Automatic mode, a complete 

program can be executed bend after bend. In the Auto mode the Step mode can be selected to have each bend started separately.The Manual mode of the control is an independent production mode. In this mode, one bend can be programmed and executed. It is typically used to test the behaviour of the bend 


More information about this can be found in chapters 5 and 6

⑸ Back-up data, external storage

Both product and tool files can be stored externally. These files can be stored on a USB stick. This facilitates a back-up of important data and the possibility to exchange files between Delem controls.

More information about this can be found in chapter 7.

⒍ Programming aids

⑴ Listbox functionality

Several parameters on the control have a limited number of possible values. When selecting such a parameter, by tapping the parameter line on the screen, the list of options will open up near the position where you tapped the line, and the desired value can be selected.

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⑵Parameter zoom functionality

To improve the focus on parameters, and to ease the use while programming, the parameter zoom function will enlarge specific parameterlines when being programmed. When selecting eg. force in Program mode, the force lines will expand giving them better focus while fine tuning.

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Within some modes, the program screens are divided into tabs.

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⑷Text input and editing

The cursor can be used to enter a specific value or text within an existing input. Just tap at the desired position to do so. The cursor will appear and input will be added there.

⑸ Typing alphanumeric characters vs. special characters

Both alphanumeric characters and special characters can be used throughout the control. A full on-screen alphanumerical keyboard will pop up when required. When editing a field which is pure numeric, the alphanumeric characters will be hidden. For fields which enable to use alphanumerical strings, the keyboard is completely available. 

Special characters as ? % - can be found using the special character button on the left-lower side of the keyboard.

DELEM DA-53T manual

Special characters (like á, à, â, ã, ä, å, æ) are supported by the on screen keyboard by keeping a character (like ‘a’) pressed.

⑹ Messages centre

When messages are displayed coming from PLC, Safety systems or the Sequencer, these messages can be ‘send’ to the 'Messages centre'. When a message is displayed simultaneously the message centre symbol is shown in the top row of the page header, next to eg. the keylock symbol. When tapping this message centre symbol the messages are taken from the screen, giving way for normal programming and editing. When tapping again the actual messages are shown.

When messages are in the background, the message centre symbol has an extra indicator to show new incoming messages which are not yet shown.

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⑺Keylock function

To prevent for changes to products or programs, the keylock function offers the possibility to lock the control.

⑻Manual positioning

On the manual positioning page in Manual mode and Automatic mode a slider at the bottom of the screen can be used to position the axis. The distance moved with the slider determines the speed of the axis. When the slider is released, the axis stops. The buttons at each end of the slider can be used to fine-tune the axis position. When "sliding" the beeper gives feedback that the axis is moving.

⑼Software versions

The version of the software in your control is displayed at the System Information tab in the Machine menu.

Products, the product library


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In the Products mode existing, previously produced, products can be selected to start production or for modification in order to make a similar product. To start making a new program New Program can be used from this mode.

⑴The main view

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In Products mode an overview is given of the program library on the control. In this mode a product program can be selected (loaded). After that a program can be modified or executed.Each item in the list consists of its Product ID, the Product Description, the Number of bends in the product and the Date it was last used or modified.

If a product program is already active its ID is shown in the top of the screen. A program can be loaded by tapping the product ID or any other part of the product's line.

When there are more products than can be visualised in the screen simply drag the list in the upward direction until the product is visible. From then again a single tap on the product selects the product and activates it in the control.

⑵ Product selection

To select a product a single tap will do. The product will be selected and loaded into the memory. From here production can be started by tapping Auto. Also navigation can start through the Tool Setup and the numerical Program.

⑶New Program, starting a numerical program

To start a new numerical program tap New Program.

After New Program is chosen, the programming starts with its general details like e.g. Product ID, Thickness and Material.

⑷Edit, Copying and Deleting a product or program

To delete a product in the Products mode select a product by tapping it. It will be selected. After that tap Edit and use Delete. To finally delete it confirm the question. To delete all programs at once, tap Delete All.

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To copy a product select a program and tap Edit and use Copy. After this the name of the product can be programmed and the copy will be done. The copied product will be an exact copy including tool setup.

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⑸ Product Rename

Products can also be renamed.This can be done in one single step: Rename allows the user to give it a new name.

To rename a product select a program and tap Edit and choose Rename from the list. For Rename a new name can be given.

Tool configuration

⒈ Introduction

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⒉Standard procedure

When the function Tool Setup has been activated, the screen shows the active machine setup. Both punch and die can be selected from the tool library.

DELEM DA-53T manual

The Upper and Lower tool, resp. Punch and Die, in the machine are shown and can be changed.

⒊ Tool selection

When selecting tools, both upper and lower tool (resp. punch and die) can be selected from the tool library.

Tap Select Punch or Select Die to change tools to the configuration.

Product programming


DELEM DA-53T manual

DELEM DA-53T manual

To edit an existing CNC program, select a product in the Products overview and select the navigation button Program. When starting a new program, select New Program and after giving in the main product properties and tool setup, the system will automatically switch to Program.

In both cases, a screen as shown above should appear. Programming and changing data is done in the same way in both cases.

The main screen shows the existing numerical program or, when starting a new program, the first to be programmed bend. The bend selector in the top of the screen can be used to navigate thru the bends. The indicated bends can be tapped to easily select the desired bend data.

At the side of the main screen views and functions are indicated with command buttons.

⒉ Program mode, parameter explanation

The main screen shows the available bends and from this main screen, from every available bend, specific paremeters can be viewed and edited.

The product ID and product description are displayed in the top row on the screen.

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⑴Bend parameters

Bend methods

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⑸Product properties


⑺ Auxiliary axes

⒊Edit / view modes

⑴All Bends

When the function All Bends has been pressed, a complete overview of the bends appears.

DELEM DA-53T manual

From within this screen, the complete CNC program can be edited. All bend parameters can be edited within the table and bends can be swapped, moved, added and deleted.The available columns can be scrolled by finger movement / swipe.

⑵Change tools

DELEM DA-53T manual

To change the tools the Tool Setup menu can be used. If the tool setup needs to be changed for just one bend step, the Change Tools button can be used. The control will always ask if the changes are to be done on the whole setup or just for one bend. If the whole tool setup is required, automatically the Tool Setup menu will be switched to.

⑶Product properties

To change the main product properties tap Product Properties. These parameters of the program are the same for every bend of the program (main data of program).

DELEM DA-53T manual

⑷ Add bend

To add a new bend after the last bend. When pressed, the last bend is copied and added after the last bend.


From pure numerical programs a single bend step can be changed into a bumping bend.

⒋Programming parameters

Parameters in program mode can be programmed one by one. The effect of the parameter on other parameters is automatically computed.

The relation between parameters is visualized with a symbol and a background color.

DELEM DA-53T manual

When an information symbol is shown with parameters after an edited value, this parameter was changed due to the last changed input.

A star symbol is shown with parameters if the value of the parameter differs from the calculated value by the control. This can be helpful if a value is intentionally programmed different or if the value of a parameter is limited by the parameters limits.

An error symbol is shown with parameters if the value cannot be correct according to the currently programmed values. This, eg. when a hemming bend is programmed with no hemming tools programmed.

Automatic mode

⒈ Introduction

DELEM DA-53T manual

In auto mode with the active program, production can be started. After entering Auto, the Start button can be pressed and production can begin.

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The automatic mode executes the program automatically bend by bend after pushing the Start button. When selecting a different product in Products mode, which is in the library and has already been used for production, one can immediately switch to Auto and start production. Every time after a different bending program is selected you must check your tools and tool positions in your machine. This is also indicated with a 'check tools' warning message when you enter the automatic mode.

In the header of the Auto mode screen the selected product is displayed along with the product description. At the top of the screen the bend selector shows the available bends in the program. By tapping the prefered bend the bend can be selected. The start button can be pressed to start from this bend. The details of the selected bend are shown in the available views.

The repetition of a bend and the connected programs, when applicable, are shown in the header of the screen. A connected program is also indicated in the bend selectors last position.

⑴Auto mode, parameter explanation

Following is a list of the available parameters in Auto mode.

⑵View modes

The auto mode screen is offering a diversity of views which, depending on ones production methode, can be chosen. When selecting auto mode for the first time, the main screen will appear. On the right side of the screen the available view modes can be selected.

Following view modes are available:

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Main view shows the numerical data of the bend along with the corrections. The corrections can be programmed here.

② All bends

The all bends view mode shows a table including all bend data. The bends are shown row wize and the columns display all bend parameters.


With macro view mode, the control switches to a view with only large axes values on the screen. This view can be used when working a little remote from the control, still able to read the axes values.

④Manual positioning

In manual positioning view mode the axes values are shown at large. Axes can be selected and while selected the position can be controlled by moving the slider, on the bottom of the screen, out of its middle position. When releasing the slider it will return to its middle position automatically.



The diagnostics view mode is meant for service purpose mostly. In diagnostics the activities of independent axes can be monitored. I/O on the control system can be followed. In rare situations this information can be helpful to diagnose operation during the bending proces.

⒊Bumping correction

In case of a selected bumping bend a general correction for a bumping bend can be entered. This function is only available if a product is loaded that contains a bumping bend.With Bumping Corr. a new window appears in which the correction can be entered.

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Manual mode

⒈ Introduction

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⑴Manual mode, parameter explanation

⑵ Tool setup

The programming of the tool setup in Manual mode is similar to programming the tool setup which is used in Automatic mode. Despite the fact that both modes do not share the same tool setup (enabling the usage of a complete different tool setup), the tool setup of Automatic mode could be used in Manual mode as well.

While switching from Automatic mode to Manual mode, the control offers the user to use the same tool setup in Manual mode and thus also the user is warned that in case differently programmed, one should be careful.

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⒉Programming parameters & Views

Parameters in manual mode can be programmed one by one. The effect of the parameter on other parameters is automatically computed.

The relation between parameters is visualized with a symbol and a background color.

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With Macro the control switches to a new view with only large axes values on the screen. This view can be used when working a little remote from the control, still able to read the axes values.

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⒋Manual movement of the axes

⑴ Movement procedure



In this view mode the corrections for the bend programmed in Manual mode are shown. Since this is always a single bend, a single line will be shown.

⒍ Diagnostics

When tapping Diagnostics, the control switches to a view which shows axes states. In this window, the current state of available axes can be observed. This screen can also be active while the control is started. As such, it can be used to monitor the control behaviour during a bend cycle.


⒈ Introduction

DELEM DA-53T manual

The Settings mode of the control, which can be found in the navigation panel, gives access to all kind of settings which influence the programming of new products and programs. Default values and specific constraints can be set.

The settings are divided across several tabs logically organizing the different subjects. In the following sections the available tabs and detailed settings are discussed.


Select the required tab and tap the parameter to be changed. When parameters have a numerical or alphanumerical value, the keyboard will appear to enter the desired value. When the setting or parameter can be selected from a list, the list will appear and selection can be 

done by tapping. Longer lists allow scrolling vertically to check the available items.


In this tab, materials with their properties can be programmed. Existing materials can be edited, new materials can be added or existing materials deleted. A maximum of 99 materials can be programmed on the control.

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⒋Backup / restore

This tab offers the possibilities to backup and restore products, tools as well as settings and tables. When products or tools originate from older control models, the DLC-file format products and tools can also be restored using this specific restore function.

For materials a specific backup and restore are available here.

⒌ Program settings

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⒍Default values

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⒎Computation settings

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⒏ Production settings

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⒐Time settings

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