How To Use Network Function for Delem Controller
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How To Use Network Function for Delem Controller

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1. Introduction

The DA-60Ts controls offers the possibility of Network Connectivity as a standard feature. Once that it is enabled by means of the proper machine parameter, it is possible to make use of network functionalities,  like  storing  products  in  a  shared  folder  or  allowing  Remote  Assistance connections.

2. Configuration

Go to the Machine Parameters menu and select “General Parameters” . On the “General” tab, enable the network functionality by selecting“Yes”in the“Allow Network Features”parameter field

Delem Controller

Optionally, in case Remote Assistance will be used, you can choose to enable it also. In the “Remote Assistance” tab select “on” either in “Allow Remote Assistance" or in“Allow incoming connections”:

Delem Controller

For  more detailed  information  about  Remote  Assistance feature,  please  refer  to the Application Note AN1108.

Now perform a restart of the controller. After this, go to“Settings”menu.

At the right side of the “Time Settings”tab, now you can see also a“Network" tab:

Delem Controller

The network status can be checked here, right below the logo field.

Now tap the “Network Settings” button:

Delem Controller

A“Network Settings” pop-up window will appear; here the Interface should be enabled, like shown below:

Delem Controller

If you are connecting to a network that has a DHCP server available, then you should also enable it.

If you are connecting the controller to a PC directly via a network cable and nothing else in between, then DHCP should not be enabled. In this case it is better to use a fixed IP address either at the PC or at the controller, taking care that the IP addresses are within the same subnet mask.

Once that the“END" button is tapped, you should see the“Network status”field showing the network speed:

Delem Controller

At this moment we have already the controller properly connected to the network.

3. Accessing an external shared folder

3.1 Creating a shared folder on the PC

Browse to the folder you want to share, click on it with the right mouse button, and on the pop-up menu select“Properties”:

Delem Controller

A window like the one below shown should be seen. Select the“Sharing”tab, and then click on the“Advanced Sharing”button:

Delem Controller

Select then“Share this folder”, like shown below:

Delem Controller

If necessary, the Folder Permissions can also be modified. For that, click on the“Permissions" button and adjust then according to your wishes:

Delem Controller

Once that everything has been adjusted, click on“Apply”and then“OK”to close the“Permissions” window, then“Apply”and“OK”again to close the“Advanced Sharing”window.

Delem Controller

Now you need to take note of the information shown here on the“Properties”window - it’ll be used to add the share at the controller.

On the above example,“PC415W10”is the name of the server, and “DA_69TL Shared Folder” is the name of the share.

3.2 Adding a remote share at the controller

In the Network Settings tab, tap on “+ remote shares” and then select “add share”

Delem Controller

The below pop-up window will be shown, and the share information needs to be provided:

Delem Controller

Name: here you should choose a name for the share.

Server: here the name of the server should be put. In our example, like explained on the previous page, “PC415W10” should be used.

Share: here the name of the PC shared folder should be put. In our example, like explained on the previous page, “DA_69TL Shared Folder” should be used.

Username, Password and Domain name: these fields should be filled with the same login data used on the host PC.

After filling out all the fields, tap the “share” button. If the connection is successful, the screen should be like the below one:

Delem Controller

If the indicated state shown is “Active”, the share is ready to be used.

To check the functionality of the share, go to the Products menu and tap the“change directory”button:

Delem Controller

The shared folder can be selected and used for products storage purpose:

Delem Controller

4. Sharing an internal folder of the controller

In the Network Settings tab, tap on“ local shares”:

Delem Controller

Below pop-up window will be shown; here the network sharing should be enabled:

Delem Controller

Once that network sharing is enabled, you can choose which folder you wish to share; in below example, both“ products”and“tools”folders are shared:

Delem Controller

After the necessary shares have been selected, tap the“end”button.

4.1 Sharing the OEM partitions (for service purposes)

Sometimes it can be useful to share the OEM partitions, so that you can access them and modify the internal files, e.g. changing the Sequencer during a Remote Assistance connection.

For that you have first to be logged in with an OEM password of at least level 2.

In the“Network”tab, tap the“local shares”button; below pop-up window should appear:

Delem Controller

Now tap the“add share”button.

Delem Controller

Name: here you should choose a name for the share.

Description: here a description of the server should be put.

Path: here the path of the share should be indicated; for that, tap on the selection field - the

keyboard should be opened:

Delem Controller

Tap again on the same selection field; the path selection screen should be seen.

Delem Controller

Here the desired path should be selected; after choosing it, tap on the“select”button, and after that, tap on the“enter”key at the keyboard.

Delem Controller

After the keyboard is closed, tap on the“share”button. At this moment you should already see the share available on the“Shares overview”menu, like shown on the next picture.

Delem Controller

After tapping the “end” button, the share is available to be accessed externally from a PC of the network.

5. Accessing a shared folder of the controller from a PC

In order to access the shared folders of the controller, the controller address on the network need to be known. On the “Network “ tab, tap on the “network settings” button; below screen will be shown:

Delem Controller

The controller’s IP address can be seen here.

Another alternative for accessing the controller is via the host name, defined in the“local shares”tab:

Delem Controller

Now, at the PC, open the File Explorer and type “ \\ “, where should point the controller’s IP address (shown on previous page):

Delem Controller

Alternatively also the host name can be used:

Delem Controller

If the  address  is  correctly  inserted,  after  pressing“enter"  it  should  be  possible  to see  the controller’s shared folders:

Delem Controller

6. Postscript

The link below provides the operating manual for the DELEM control system of the press brake. You can choose the appropriate one for your machine, download it and check it out.

Delem DA-60Ts Operation PDF Download:

Delem Controller

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