How to Import DXF File From U-disk to DELEM Controller
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How to Import DXF File From U-disk to DELEM Controller

Views: 321     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-26      Origin: Site


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This article tells you that how to import DXF file from U-disk to DELEM Controller. As an alternative for drawing the desired product in the control, the control can also import an externally generated CAD-system output file. This tutorial will explain the use of the DXF converter to import DXF files and its functions.


Insert USB flash drive

How to Import DXF File

Mold Drawing Import

Choose the right classification on the top of the screen; we set punch or bottom dies as examples here. 

Click *import DXF*, choose the DXF file of punch or dies on the flash drive that needs to be imported; the classification needs to be matched.

Click *select*, drawings will show on the screen. 

Click *convert*, we can change its data and ID here. 

Click *accept*, drawings will convert automatically. 

Click *accept*, all dimensions will show directly on the drawing.

How to Import DXF File

Click *end*. Successful import mold drawings. If the customer has more molds to import, they can repeat the above steps several times.

Production Drawing Import

Click *import DXF*, and choose the DXF file of productions in the flash drive that needs to be imported. 

Click *select*, drawings will show on the screen.

Click *convert*, it will show the Production and Production Properties. Customers can change the Product ID and also change the Thickness, Material (1 means Steel, 2 means Aluminum, 3 means Zinc, 4 means Stainless Steel). Dimensions (inner/outer for chosen).

How to Import DXF File

How to Import DXF File

Click *accept*, drawing will show with full dimensions.

Click *tool setup*, customers can choose and confirm the punch and dies used for this production. 

How to Import DXF File

Click *bend sequence*, customers can check the bend sequences and the simulated bending steps. After confirming that there is no problem in 2D bending simulation, we can also confirm in 3D bending simulation by choosing the options on the left side. 

How to Import DXF File

How to Import DXF File

Click *Program*, customers can pull down the screen to view the individual bending steps here. That is all for this tutorial and you can get more by the video below.


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