Master The Skills of Press Brake Calibration
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Master The Skills of Press Brake Calibration

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-04-16      Origin: Site



Here are the general steps to adjust the level of a bending machine:

1. Prepare the Work Area: Before starting the adjustment process, ensure that the area around the bending machine is clear of any obstructions and that there is sufficient space to access the leveling points.

2. Check the Leveling Points: Identify the leveling points on the machine. These are typically located at the base of the machine or on the machine bed. Bending machines usually have multiple leveling points to distribute the weight evenly.

3. Use a Leveling Tool: Use a precision leveling tool, such as a spirit level or a digital level, to determine the current level of the machine. Place the leveling tool on the machine bed or any flat surface indicated for leveling.

4. Adjust the Leveling Bolts: Locate the leveling bolts or feet near each leveling point. These bolts are typically adjustable to raise or lower the machine as needed. Use a wrench or an appropriate tool to loosen the locking nuts on the leveling bolts.

5. Leveling Process:

●Start by adjusting one leveling point at a time. Begin with the corner leveling points and work your way around the machine.

●Turn the leveling bolt clockwise to raise the machine or counterclockwise to lower it. Make small adjustments to avoid overcorrection.

●Check the level again after each adjustment using the leveling tool. Continue adjusting the leveling bolts until the machine is perfectly level in all directions.

●Tighten the Locking Nuts: Once the machine is level, securely tighten the locking nuts on each leveling bolt to prevent them from shifting during operation.

6. Recheck the Level: After tightening the locking nuts, double-check the level of the machine to ensure that it remains stable and balanced.

7. Test the Machine: After completing the leveling adjustment, perform a test run of the bending machine to ensure that it operates smoothly and accurately.

8. Periodic Inspection: Periodically check the level of the machine, especially after moving or relocating it, to maintain optimal performance.

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